“Previewing the Odds and Predictions for AEW’s Forbidden Door in 2023”

As the wrestling world continues to evolve and grow, one of the most exciting developments in recent years has been the emergence of All Elite Wrestling (AEW). Since its inception in 2019, AEW has quickly become a major player in the industry, offering fans an alternative to the more established promotions like WWE and Impact Wrestling.

One of the most intriguing aspects of AEW’s approach is their willingness to collaborate with other promotions and companies. This has led to what has become known as the “Forbidden Door,” a concept that allows wrestlers from different promotions to compete against each other in AEW.

Looking ahead to 2023, there are already a number of exciting possibilities for the Forbidden Door. Here are some of the odds and predictions for what we might see in the coming years:

New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW)

One of the most talked-about potential collaborations for AEW is with New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW). The two companies have already worked together in the past, with NJPW stars like Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley appearing in AEW. However, a full-scale partnership between the two promotions could be a game-changer.

The odds of this happening are relatively high, as both companies have expressed interest in working together. NJPW has a strong following in the United States, and partnering with AEW could help them expand their audience even further.

Impact Wrestling

Another promotion that has already worked with AEW is Impact Wrestling. In 2021, AEW and Impact announced a partnership that allowed wrestlers from both promotions to appear on each other’s shows.

The odds of this partnership continuing into 2023 are also high. Both promotions have benefited from the collaboration, and there are still plenty of dream matches that could happen between their respective rosters.

Ring of Honor (ROH)

Ring of Honor (ROH) is another promotion that could potentially work with AEW in the future. While there haven’t been any official announcements or hints of a partnership, the two companies share a similar philosophy when it comes to wrestling.

The odds of this happening are a bit lower than with NJPW or Impact, but it’s still a possibility. ROH has struggled in recent years, and partnering with AEW could help them regain some of their lost momentum.

Other Promotions

While NJPW, Impact, and ROH are the most likely candidates for collaborations with AEW, there are plenty of other promotions that could be involved in the Forbidden Door. Some possibilities include Mexico’s AAA, the United Kingdom’s PROGRESS Wrestling, and even WWE (although the odds of that happening are extremely low).

Overall, the future of the Forbidden Door in AEW is incredibly exciting. The possibilities for dream matches and unexpected collaborations are endless, and fans can’t wait to see what the future holds. Whether it’s NJPW, Impact, ROH, or another promotion entirely, the Forbidden Door is sure to continue shaking up the wrestling world for years to come.